根据SFAS NO.143的描述,引起企业弃置义务的事件被称为 资产报废 ( Asset Retirement ),相关的义务在会计上的体现为 资产报废 债务( Asset Retirement Obligations)。SFAS NO.143 的主要观点可归纳为以下几点:
Asset retirement obligations 资产弃置费用 ; 资产报废义务
Asset Retirement by Scrapping 固定资产报废
asset retirement obligation 资产弃置义务 ; 义务 ; 资产报废义务 ; 油气资产弃置义务
Call Up Asset Retirement List 调用资产报废清单
asset retirement cost 资产报废费用
Stocks, whether for the 17.9% of families that own equities directly or the 53% that own them through retirement plans, just don't represent a big-enough asset to make up for shortfalls in income.
AIG's global businesses also include financial services, retirement services and asset management.
AIG "s global businesses also include financial services, retirement services and asset management."