account assignment value 帐户分配值
value assignment [计] [数] 赋值
Partial Value Assignment 数值指派法
extended value on assignment [计] 赋值扩充值
Highly value school assignment 重作业
assignment t value 转让价值
This is the first time that this example is using a relation as a declarative statement to define an expression (in other words, a value assignment) instead of using it for model-to-model mapping.
An important factor in tool implementation is deciding where to introduce it: What's the best "first assignment" to demonstrate the tool's full capabilities and value?
Any assignment that changes a value is called a destructive assignment and is not permitted.
- And here as promised is that other operator -- looks a little weird, but because assignment is already using the equal sign to assign one value on the right to a variable on the left.
The first statement right here, that's just an assignment statement, I'm giving some value to x.