association cortex 联合皮质 ; 联络皮质 ; 联结皮质区 ; 合皮质
Motor Association Cortex 运动联合区
Frontal association cortex 和额叶皮层联合区 ; 额叶皮层联合区
parietal association cortex 释义顶叶联合皮层
prefrontal association cortex 释义前额叶联络皮层
association area of cerebral cortex 大脑皮质联合区 ; 大脑皮层联合区 ; 大脑皮质结合区
Expansion of the association regions is accompanied by corresponding increases in the thickness of those great bundles of axons, the cable pathways, linking the front and back of the cortex.
During that state a part of the brain known as the association cortex becomes very active.