视疲劳又称眼疲劳(Asthenopia),原为用以描述与用眼 过度相关的一系列症状的名词。因其产生原因复杂多样,多 数学者认为视疲劳的产生是眼或全身器质性因素与精...
muscular asthenopia 肌性视疲劳
anisometropic asthenopia 屈光参差性视疲劳 ; 屈光参差性眼疲劳
accommodative asthenopia 调节性视疲劳
heterophoric asthenopia 隐斜性视疲劳
glare asthenopia 闪光视弱 ; 闪光视
vdt asthenopia vdt视疲劳
nervous asthenopia 神经性眼疲劳
asthenopia accommodation 调节视力疲劳
hysterical asthenopia 癔病性眼疲劳
Results Questionnaire indicated most patients complained about dry eye, foreinbody sensation, asthenopia and red eye.
参考来源 - 泪道栓塞术治疗干眼症的临床效果·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
N → a technical name for eyestrain
Asthenopia is a common ophthalmic disease caused by a variety of reasons.
We should pay more attention to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of muscular asthenopia after PRK.
应重视PR K后肌性视疲劳的诊断、治疗和预防。
Conclusion the flickering light source may lead to the change of visual accommodation and cause the asthenopia.