96 中文名称: 体操器材 高低杠 功能及安全要求、试验方法 英文名称: Gymnastic equipment - Asymmetric bars - Functional and safety requirements, test methods 页数: 8 采用标准: DIN EN 915 (19 ..
free-backward circle on asymmetric bars 高低杠上腾身后回环
ADV/N-PLURAL a pair of wooden or fibreglass bars placed parallel to each other but set at different heights, for various exercises 高低杠
ADV/N-PLURAL an event in a gymnastic competition in which competitors exercise on such bars 体操比赛中的高低杠项目
The FRP bars trial-produced have met the rigidity, fatigue and strength requirements stipulated by IGF for the bars of asymmetric bars.
The raw materials, matrix formulations and product properties were introduced for the pultrusiened FRP bars of asymmetric bars, and the technical parameters of the product determined.