at lowest cost 最低的成本
competitive bid at lowest price 低价竞标
maximal flows at lowest cost 最小费用最大流
winning project at lowest bid 最低价中标项目
at the lowest 至少 ; 最低
be at the lowest ebb 山穷水尽 ; 衰落到极点
be at its lowest ebb 山穷水尽 ; 衰落到极点
When you don't have control of scope - ask how something is useful, ask for an alternative solution, don't only look at lowest level, deliver complete features.
Hot Money, also known as Refugee capital, refers to those short-term speculative capital flowing rapidly in international financial market in pursuit of maximum reward at lowest cost.
热钱(Hot Money),又称游资(Refugee Capital),投机性短期资本,指为追求最高报酬以最低风险而在国际金融市场上迅速流动的短期投机性资金。
New public opinion polls show the president's approval rating at its lowest point since he took office.