abstract:At War with the Army is a 1950 musical comedy film directed by Hal Walker and starring the comedy team of Martin and Lewis and introducing Polly Bergen. It was filmed from July through August 1949, and released on December 30, 1950 by Paramount.
Attheend of the warGeneral Henry "Hap" Arnold, the chief of America'sarmy air forces declared: "Wehave justwonawarwith a lotofheroesflying aroundin planes."
在二战结束之际,美国陆空司令亨利·阿诺德(Henry Ar nold)将军宣布道,“我们刚赢得了一场战争,这场战争中是由无数英雄驾驶飞机而换来的。”
Suez Canal, Egypt, 1974: I was withthe Second Egyptian Army, who, atthe end of the Yom Kippur War managed to cross the Suez Canal and establish a bridgehead there.
The defendants are two guerrilla groups that have been atwarwiththe Colombian government for decades: the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the National Liberation Army (ELN).