类似地,这个阿尔法粒子的路径也许解释了为什么我看见我们确实看见的东西,而它又在 原子学说 ( atomic theory )中得到解释。同一个信念既可以进行解释也可以得到解释,因而它可以从这两种作用中得到确证。
Dalton's Atomic Theory 道尔顿原子学说 ; 道尔吞
atomic theory of society 社会原子论
Atomic Theory of Matter 物质的原子理论
atomic theory school 原子论学派
Bohr's Atomic Theory 玻尔模型
atomic molecular theory 原子分子论
N any theory in which matter is regarded as consisting of atoms, esp that proposed by John Dalton postulating that elements are composed of atoms that can combine in definite proportions to form compounds 原子论