postventricular atrial refractory period 心室后心房不应期
total atrial refractory period 总的心房不应期 ; 总心房不应期 ; 及总的心房不应期 ; 心房不应期
ARP atrial refractory period 心房不应期
atrial effective refractory period 心房有效不应期 ; 有效不应期 ; 房有效不应期 ; 和心房有效不应期
atrial relative refractory period 心房相对不应期 ; 房相对不应期
Conclusion The extent of atrial fibro sis was increased in abdominal aorta banded rats. Although longer P wave duration and IACT are present, there is no change in atrial effective refractory period.
The relative refractory period, functional refractory period and effective refractory period (ERP) of right atrial, atrioventricular node and right ventricle were increased.
Conclusion the atrial pacing rate of change can affect the AV node effective refractory period and conduction in refractory period.