... attempt at doing sth 企图做某事 ; 尝试做某事 attempt at doing 企图做某事 make an attempt at doing 试图做某事 ...
attempt at doing sth 企图做某事 ; 尝试做某事
make an attempt at doing 试图做某事
U attempt at doing sth 企图做某事
E attempt at doing sth 企图做某事
There are other programs that turn out to be similar to WINE or attempt at doing the same type of functions.
And da young at heart one in five have picked up an injury doing something which they confessed 'I should know better than to attempt at my age'.
对这些还有童心的爸爸来说,他们中有五分之一曾因为做一些太有童趣的事情而受伤,事后坦言:“我早就该知道以我的年龄不该那么做。” 鸶。
It's part of Thrill the world, an attempt by thousands around the globe to break a world record for the most people doing the King of Pop's Thriller dance at the same time.
He thinks that following out desire can renew language, and Menelaiad, I think, is his attempt at doing that.