致弱毒株 attenuated strain 毒素 1.[生物学] (有机体产生的有毒物质) toxin 从肠中排出毒素 eliminate toxins from the intestine2.
attenuated strain Machupo virus 麦丘波病毒减毒株
purdue attenuated strain 珀杜减毒株
attenuated strain mutant 减毒株变种
duck plague virus attenuated strain DPV弱毒苗
attenuated strain of Shigella flexneri 减毒志贺氏杆菌
live attenuated strain rhinovirus 释义鼻病毒减毒活株
PRRS attenuated strain PRRS弱毒株
virus attenuated strain 病毒减毒株
Using the cross-protection of attenuated strain to protect plant from infecting by virulent strain of the same virus was proved one of ideal means.
参考来源 - 烟草花叶病毒弱毒疫苗的研制及其分子生物学·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The dynamic changes of tissue structure in 4 days old ducklings which were infected with chicken embryo attenuated strain MY of duck hepatitis virus were observed.
Conclusion The JEV attenuated strain SA14-14-2 is genetic stability after passaged continuously on PHKC to 20 generations, and proved a good safety on molecular level.
结论乙脑病毒减毒株sa14 - 14 - 2的遗传学特性稳定,从分子水平证明了乙脑减毒活疫苗的安全性。
The results showed that the numbers of IEL in tracheas was increased significantly (P<0.01) with PRRS attenuated strain immunization by nasal route contrast to muscle injection and control group;