attribute sampling [统计] 属性抽样 ; 品质抽样 ; 属性抽样法
Attribute Sampling Method 性抽查法 ; 属性抽查法
Attribute sampling plan 计数值抽样计划
Introduction to Attribute Sampling 计数抽样说明
attribute sampling scheme 计数抽样方案
audition of attribute sampling 属性抽样审计
auditing of attribute sampling 属性抽样审计
acceptance sampling by attribute 定性抽样验收
sampling inspection by attribute [统计] 属性抽样检验 ; 记数抽样检查 ; 计数取样检验
An auditor has to make a number of decisions when using attribute sampling.
Under simple random sampling scheme without replacement and unknown proportion of population possessing neutral attribute, the optimal allocation of sizes of two sub-samples is given.
Acceptance criteria shall be defined by the organization and, where required, approved by the customer. For attribute data sampling, acceptance level shall be zero defects (see