right auricle [解剖] 右心耳
Auricle effect 耳廓效应
left auricle [解剖] 左心耳 ; 左心房
pseudocyst of auricle 耳廓假性囊肿 ; [耳鼻喉] 耳廓假囊肿
auricle hemostat 心耳止血器
auricle clamp 心耳夹 ; 心耳钳
auricle of heart [解剖] 心耳
accessory auricle [胚] 副耳郭 ; 副耳廓 ; 副耳
auricle reflex 耳廓反射
The inflammation of auricle induced by dimethylbenzine in mice was used andmouse ear swelling was observed.
参考来源 - 荜茇有效成分提取及抗炎作用的研究—《中国医药导报》—2009年第1期—龙源期刊网·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
N the upper chamber of the heart; atrium 上心房
N a small sac in the atrium of the heart 心耳
Under general anesthesia or periotic nerve block anesthesia, 56 patients of auricle laceration underwent microsurgical debridement.
B. Palpate auricle for texture, tenderness and presence of lesions.
Also known as the auricle, it works like a funnel, directing sounds into the ear canal.