1-2 特殊功能 - 可超连普(Hyper-Link)个自动卷动(Auto-Scroll)。 - 内建书签个个人设定(调整版面个字型大小个自动关 机个自动卷动速度)。
Auto Scroll 自己主动滚屏 ; 实现自动滚动
Auto Scroll in Live Capture 现场捕获时实时滚动
Auto Scroll Window 自动卷动窗口这样对于我们如果在浏览的过程中想把滚动的屏幕拷贝下来特别方便
Auto scroll time 自动翻页时间
Auto-Scroll Songname 自动卷动歌名
Set Auto-Scroll Refresh Time 设置刷新时间
Updated Auto-scroll 改进自动滚屏
auto horz scroll 自动水平滚动
It would be better if the auto-scroll went faster the closer the cursor gets to the edge of the window (though it's also important to have a speed limit-it doesn't help anyone if it goes too fast).
What is the possible and simple solution to add a auto scroll to window in order to see all the 50 buttons in such a situation.