automated storage & retrieval system 自动仓库 ; 自动存储取货系统 ; 自动物料储运系统 ; 自动化立体仓库系统
Automated Storage and Retrieval System 自动仓储系统 ; 自动化立体仓库 ; 自动化仓库系统 ; 仓库系统
Nowadays, as a new storage pattern in the field of material flow technique, automated storage and retrieval system plays a vital role in the industrial producing and high density storage.
An automated book retrieval system will reduce the amount of space needed for book storage. The library's two million volumes will be stored on two storeys above ground and two storeys below.
The average single task cycle of stacker crane can be used to get the equivalent slot of single task cycle, which provides the gist to design and run automated storage retrieval system effectively.