... Automatic Clock Recovery 自动时钟恢复 Automatic database recovery 数据库错误自动回复 ; 资料库错误自动回复 Automatic Crash Recovery 自动崩溃恢复 ; 自动修复 ; 崩溃恢复技术 ...
... Automatic Clock Recovery 自动时钟恢复 Automatic database recovery 数据库错误自动回复 ; 资料库错误自动回复 Automatic Crash Recovery 自动崩溃恢复 ; 自动修复 ; 崩溃恢复技术 ...
Automatic checkpoint Tuning - The Oracle Database can now self-tune checkpointing to achieve good recovery times with low impact on normal throughput.
Automatic Checkpoint Tuning——Oracle数据库现在可以自调优检查点,从而取得良好的恢复速度,同时降低对正常吞吐量的影响。
To enable this automatic crash recovery feature, verify that the database configuration parameter autorestart is set to ON.
要启用自动应急恢复特性,需要验证是否将数据库配置参数 autorestart 设为 ON。
For the process and database instance failures, you can enable automatic crash recovery by verifying that the database configuration auto restart is set to on (by default, auto restart is on).
对于流程和数据库实例故障,可以通过确认已将database configuration auto restart设置为on(缺省情况下,自动重启已启用)来启用自动故障恢复功能。