... 自动比率控制;自动比例调节:automatic ratio control 自动比率控制:automatic ratio control 自动本机频率控制:automatic local frequency control ...
ARC Automatic Ratio Control 自动比率控制
material automatic ratio control 物料自动配比控制
automatic gas ratio control [自] 气体比率自动控制
automatic air-fuel ratio control 燃油比自动控制
automatic mixture ratio control 混合比自动调节器
automatic mixture-ratio control system [航] 混合比自动控制系统
In order to improve the success ratio of the tests, control system of synthetic test has been improved a lot in developed countries by improving the automatic level of control system.
To maintain the constant average optical power and extiction ratio, the temperature compensation loop and automatic power control loop are incorporated in this chip.
Automatic control of dilution and mixture ratio of concentrated beer is one of the key techniques of beer dilution.