learner autonomy 自主学习 ; 学习者自主 ; 自主性 ; 学习者自主性
villager autonomy 村民自治 ; 村民自治权
state autonomy 国家自主性 ; 自主性 ; 国家的自主性
functional autonomy 机能自主性 ; 功能自主 ; 机能自主
embedded autonomy 镶嵌自主性 ; 嵌入式自主性 ; 镶嵌的自主性 ; 嵌入的自主性
relative autonomy 相对自主性
tariff autonomy [税收] 关税自主
autonomy. The organization of the villagers?
其三,要运用法制方法界 定乡政管理与村民自治组织权责范围。
参考来源 - 论农村基层政权与村民自治发展的问题及对策The purpose of College English Teaching is to promote the learner’s autonomy.
参考来源 - 自主学习理论与大学英语教学The introduction mainly discusses narrative. The narrative of Shen’s fictions has no autonomy, and is connected with his emotions and thoughts.
参考来源 - 论沈从文湘西小说的叙事·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
N-UNCOUNT Autonomy is the control or government of a country, organization, or group by itself rather than by others. 自治
Activists stepped up their demands for local autonomy last month.
N-UNCOUNT Autonomy is the ability to make your own decisions about what to do rather than being influenced by someone else or told what to do. 独立自主 [正式]
Each of the area managers enjoys considerable autonomy in the running of his own area.