1) 秋分(Autumnal Equinox): 地点:全国 时间:9月23日 介绍:旧称“秋季皇灵祭”,是天皇秋季祭祖的日子。民间也在这一天祭祀祖先,以缅怀先人。
以上来源于: WordNet
N the time at which the sun crosses the plane of the equator away from the relevant hemisphere, making day and night of equal length. It occurs about Sept 23 in the N hemisphere (March 21 in the S hemisphere) 秋分点
This year, the full moon and the autumnal equinox happened on the same day, for the first time in 19 years.
Don't be fooled by the notion that on the autumnal equinox the length of day is exactly equal to the length of night.
Using the Julian calendar, the autumnal equinox, vernal equinox, and seasons were arriving 11 minutes earlier each year.