As an example, you might create a Web application that combines information on ski resorts with information about weather that is available from various weather services.
Frekfly- A great resource for travelers regarding practical information such as airport location, weather, available transportation, etc. Frekfly also makes use of FlickrFlickr and Google Maps.
Frekfly - 一个提供实用旅游信息,包括机场,天气,交通等信息,还包括Flickr和Google 地图。
As an example, consider a plug-in that invokes a World Weather Web Service for major cities every hour and wants to make the information available to other plug-in and views.
作为一个例子,请考虑一个每小时调用World Weather Web Service来查询主要城市的气象的插件,它要使这些信息可供其他插件和视图使用。