三都水族自治县糖尿病并发症_周围神经病变四级【考试】(最新)英语四级_周围神经病变四级 ... vilble .可利用的;通用的 venue n.林荫道,道路;大街 verge n.平均数 .平均的 ...
Fifth Avenue 第五大道 ; 第五街牌汽车 ; 第五街
basic avenue 基本途径
Peace Avenue 太平道
zhuhai avenue 珠海大道
avenue joffre 霞飞路
sun avenue 安乐坊
avenue haig 海格路
fill avenue 充水途径
As an important avenue for acquiring the outer knowledge and capability,collaborative innovation has attracted great attention of more and more enterprises.
参考来源 - 合作创新企业间知识转移障碍因素识别与对策研究This article believes that self-education’s connotation and it’s character can meet the need of quality-education and also become an effective avenue which we implement quality-education as aneducation form.
参考来源 - 自我教育是实施素质教育的有效途径·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
N-IN-NAMES Avenue is sometimes used in the names of streets. The written abbreviation is also used. 大街
...the most expensive apartments on Park Avenue.
N-COUNT An avenue is a wide, straight road, especially one with trees on either side. 林荫大道
He walked up Fifth Avenue to clear his head.
Lily lives in a penthouse just off Park Avenue.
Bergdorf Goodman has opened a men's shop on Fifth Avenue.
Katherine Cole has more. "The Three Graces" is one of four sculptures newly on display on New York Avenue.
VOA: special.2010.05.07
I think the question purely of religion in conflict with human rights is a new avenue as we talked about changes and the new big dialogue in human rights.
You could do a lot of shopping and a lot of damage to your bank account on Fifth Avenue.