"Only if global average temperature change is kept to below two degrees Celsius can the Reef have any chance of recovering from the predicted damage, " the report said.
First is climate change, marked by a 1-degree Fahrenheit rise in average yearly temperature across the western states.
While it is possible to imagine doing so in a way that cancels out the change in average temperature caused by an increase in carbon dioxide, such a reduction would not simply restore the status quo.
二氧化碳浓度过高引起的平均温度变化,可能会因为实施第一种办法有所缓和,单纯减少太阳辐射量却并不能让气温恢复到以前的状况。 当地的温度仍旧会发生变化,比如受洋流,降雨量,土壤湿度和光合作用的影响。