... (Bachelor of Science in Computing)、学位工程学士学位 (Bachelor of Science Engineering)、护理学士学位 (Bachelor of Science in Nursing)、社会工作学士学位 ...
bachelor of science in engineering 工学士 ; 工程学学士 ; 工科学士 ; 工程学理学士
Bachelor of Engineering Science 工程科学学士 ; 工程学学士 ; 理工科学士 ; 工学学士学位
Bachelor of Science Civil Engineering 内燃机工程
obtained Bachelor of Engineering Science 获得工学学士学位
Bachelor of Science and Engineering 理科和工程学士学位
Bachelor of Science Chemical Engineering 理学学士学位化学工程
Bachelor r of Engineering Science 工程学学士
Ray Tomlinson created the first email system before he received a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering.
He attended college at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, where he took part in a program with IBM and in 1963 he received a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering.
for BBA(IS) (offered jointly by the Faculty of Business and Economics and the Faculty of Engineering): Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science degree;