1、背锥(Back Cone)的概念 人们常采用背锥近似地来研究 圆锥齿轮。 2、当量齿轮 现将背 锥展开成平 面,则可得 一扇形,其 半径为r v (即 背锥母线...
名词定义中文名称:背锥面英文名称:back cone定义:锥齿轮上的一个假想圆锥[面],它与节锥同轴线,其母线与节锥母线垂直相交,交点位于节圆上。通常,背锥面被定为锥齿轮轮齿的大端端面。应用学科:机械工程(一级学
back cone distance [机] 背锥距 ; 中点锥距 ; 背圆锥距离 ; 违锥距
back cone height 后锥体高度
back cone top plane 后锥顶平面 ; 后锥面宽度 ; 后锥顶最简单的面
back cone top plane width 后锥面宽度 ; 鞋楦后锥面宽度 ; 后锥顶平面
Back cone element 背锥母线
back cone angle 背锥角 ; 背圆锥角 ; 违锥角
back cone tooth profile [机] 背锥齿廓
back cone top 鞋楦后锥
Back cone radius 背锥半径 ; 背圆锥半径
The girls lined up behind the starting line, ready to dribble the ball to the cone at the other end of the court, and back again.
Based on the uniform geometrical theory of diffraction, the equivalent current is used to calculate the back scattering field for the finite cone.
It shows that the effects of back pressure on penetration, spray cone Angle, and decline rate of centerline velocity and concentration of the spray are greater than that of fuel injection pressure.