反传网络 back propagation network; back-propagation network 双反传球战术 double reverse play .
Back-propagation Network 倒传递网络 ; 倒传递类神经网路 ; 倒传递网路 ; 反向传播网络
BP back propagation network BP反向传播网络
error back-propagation network bp网
feedback back propagation network 反馈型BP网络
improved back-propagation network 改进的bp网络
back-propagation network bp 反向传播网络
back propagation network bpn 反向传播网络
back propagation network model bp网络模型
standard back propagation network 标准反向传播网络
The case study of a high bypass ratio turbofan engine has verified the feasibility of a three-layer back propagation network.
This paper introduces Neural net to the fields of air-materials demands analysis, and applies Back Propagation network to forecast.
The method and steps of BP (Back Propagation) neural network for recognizing and forecasting power load in batch data processing of chronological sequence is presented.