说白了,这类似于对背信用证(back to back credit):均为中间商玩的把戏。不能肯定开证人就是最终用户但是可以肯定的是在可转让信用证中,第一受益人是中间商,第二受益人是实际生...
back-to-back credit export first 输出方先开的对开信用证 ; 输出方先开的对开
back-to-back credit import first [金融] 输入方先开的对开信用证
back-to-back credit 转开信用证
back-to-back letter of credit 对背信用证 ; 信用证 ; 背约用证
back-to-back credit consign first 输出方先开的对开信用证
Back-to-back documentary credit 背对背信用证 ; 背对背跟单信用证
Then I take that back and staple it to the cash register receipt and give it back to you, along with your credit card.
Please kindly send this form back in 3 days, also the front and back copies of your credit card to guarantee the reservation, otherwise, the room will be cancelled without any other announcement.