背痛。中文名称:背痛英文名称:backache定义:背部疼痛。二、神经性下背痛: 由于神经的压迫,例如脊椎管的狭窄或是骨刺造成神经根的压迫。如肺俞在背,故肺病令人逆气喘咳,肩背痛 三、《类证治裁·肩背手
"eight do's"and"eight don'ts""八个对于峙、八个阻挡" backachen.违痛 protect legitimate rights and interests of omen,minors and the handicapped保障裙钗、未成年上下团结残疾人的正当权益 ..
low backache 腰痛
Backache leg pain 腰酸腿痛
a backache 背痛 ; 背疼
backache e 背痛 ; 背痛腰痛
he is suffering from backache 他患了从腰酸 ; 他患有背痛
backache in pregnancy 妊娠期背痛
Cervicogenic Shoulder and Backache 颈源性肩背痛
My uncle contracts backache 我的叔叔患有背痛
Background:Degenerative disc disease(DDD) is one of the most common diseases in spinal surgery field,it is the main reason for the backache and disability of the adult,which have caused enormous economic loss and social burden.
研究背景腰椎间盘退行性疾病(Degenerative disc disease,DDD)是脊柱外科最常见的疾病之一,是成年人腰痛和伤残的主要原因。
参考来源 - 棘突间稳定装置Coflex~(TM)的生物力学和临床应用研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
N-VAR Backache is a dull pain in your back. 背痛