extragalactic background radiation 河外背景辐射
celestial thermal background radiation 天空热背景辐射
natural background radiation 自然辐射 ; 天然本底辐射 ; 本底辐射 ; 自然本底辐射
microwave background radiation [天] 微波背景辐射
background radiation monitoring 本底辐射监测 ; 背景辐射监测
galactic background radiation 银河背景辐射
background radiation level 一般背景辐射值 ; 本底辐射水平
background radiation intensity 背景辐射强度 ; 本底辐射强度
If multiple universes exist, they may collide with each other and leave behind signs in the cosmic microwave background radiation, researchers say.
However, measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation temperature suggest that its structure may have some systematic order.
This cosmic microwave background radiation, they said, represents the ancient afterglow of the big bang.