3、代理软件在被管理服务器端以守护进程(background daemon process)的 方式运行,可以有效,及时地收集各种系统信息。并且可以及时地响应 管理工作站的各种请求。
Services are typically controlled by a daemon, which is simply a background process running, listening for a client to request a specific service on a specific port.
With AIX, the iptrace is a background daemon, so you must explicitly start and stop the tool to switch the process on and off. For example, to start, type.
对于AIX, iptrace是一个后台守护进程,因此您必须启动和停止该工具,以便对进程状态进行切换。
The update index process can either be done manually using the command shown in Listing 5 or automatically scheduled using a background daemon.
索引更新过程可以使用 清单 5 中的命令手工执行,也可以使用后台守护进程自动执行。