backside illuminated sensor
iPhone 4认为合适而使用了背照式感光组件(Backside illuminated sensor),况且还空前绝后的增加了LED忽闪灯匡助。iPhone 4支持5倍数字变焦,对焦几乎就是眨眼间的事,速度急速。
...像素进阶一级到 500 万等级,同样撑持auto对于焦和触控对于焦,不外 iphone 4 选用了违照式感光组件(backside illuminated sensor),是近期数码照相机才刚起头接纳的感光组件类型,比一般的 cmos 感光组件有更佳的感光能力,夸大在光线不足和隐蔽的地也能拍摄正确的...
苹果iphone 4采取了腹照式感光组件(Backside illuminated sensor),并且还见所未见的增长了LED发光灯帮手。苹果iphone 4迎持5倍数字变焦,错焦多消乎即是一刹时的事,速率有比锐。
backside illuminated sensor
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
So Apple's using a newer backside-illuminated sensor that's more sensitive to light in addition to upping those megapixels — and we must say, pictures on the iPhone 4 look stunning.
More than just megapixels, its best-in-class f-2.0 lens with a backside illuminated sensor takes amazing pictures in low light and its quick launch feature makes sure you never miss an important moment.
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The myTouch 4G Slide features the most advanced camera of any smartphone with zero shutter lag, backside illuminated sensor and additional premium digital camera features that offer consumers a viable replacement for their digital point-and-shoot cameras.
ENGADGET: T-Mobile announces myTouch 4G Slide, aims to take smartphone photography to new heights
Packed with advanced imaging technology, the HTC TITAN II features a 16-megapixel camera with a wide-angle lens, autofocus, dual LED flash, red eye reduction, image stabilization, a backside-illuminated sensor and a physical camera button, offering a viable replacement for digital point-and-shoot cameras.
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