Bacterial pneumonia unspecified 衣原体性肺炎
Intractable bacterial pneumonia 难治性细菌性肺感染
bacterial l pneumonia 细菌性肺炎
The clinical features of Lophomonas blattarum infection in 26 patients with bacterial pneumonia were analyzed.
The failure of normal subjects to acquire acute bacterial pneumonia is due to the efficient defense barriers of the lower respiratory tract.
正常人获得急性细菌性肺炎的障碍是由于下呼吸道的有效防御屏障。 正常人之所以不会患急性细菌性肺炎是由于下呼吸道的有效防御屏障。
Most respond to antibiotic treatment. Viruses set the stage for Bacterial pneumonia by weakening the individual's immune system more often than they cause pneumonia directly.