a bad hat 坏蛋 ; 道德败坏的人
bad hat 不道德的人 ; 坏东西 ; 坏蛋 ; 流氓
Madeline and the Bad Hat 调皮小坏蛋 ; 玛德琳和坏帽子 ; 玛德琳与坏小子
Bad hat harry 布莱恩·辛格
With business so bad, I hate to do it, but I have to go to my boss hat in hand and beg for more money.
Finally, he would pass the hat around Wall Street so that the "bad" parts of the Banks being bailed out would not be borne by an increasingly unhappy American public.
A black hat is the villain or bad guy, especially in a western movie in which such a character would wear a black hat in contrast to the hero's white hat.