标记阅读器 : badge reader; badgereader; mark reader 光学标记阅读机(阅试卷用) : omr optical mark reader .
terminal badge reader [计] 终端标志阅读器
badge-reader 阅读器
numeric punched hole badge reader 数字穿孔标志阅读器
badge reader- 标记阅读器
badge reader-punched hole 穿孔标志阅读器
BCR Badge Card Reader 标记卡阅读器
badge card reader [计] 标记卡阅读器 ; 标记卡片阅读器 ; 识别卡阅读机
badge e reader 标记阅读器
BCR R Badge Card Reader 标记卡阅读器
Pass the tip of a wand reader over a magnetically encoded stripe of a merchandise ticket, credit card, or employee badge.
Passing the tip of a wand reader over a magnetically encoded stripe of a merchandise ticket, credit card, or employee badge.