badly off 缺少的 ; 潦倒 ; 贫困的
be badly-off 生活穷困 ; 生涯困窘 ; 生活困窘
be badly off 生活拮据 ; 生活困难 ; 生活贫困 ; 潦倒
be e badly-off 生活穷困
be badly off for 拥有少量的
be badly-off detail 生活穷困
He is very badly off 他生活很贫困
AM usually bad off
ADJ If you are badly off, you are in a bad situation. 情况糟糕的 [usu v-link ADJ]
But there were other people worse off than me at the hospital, linked up to respirators and unable to walk.
ADJ If you are badly off, you do not have much money. 穷困的 [usu v-link ADJ]
An independent study found that the owners are not as badly off as they say, and most are making money.