bag holder [粮食] 夹袋器 ; 麻袋夹持器 ; 袋座架
Plastic Bag Holder 塑料袋杂物袋 ; 塑料袋收纳器 ; 塑胶袋收纳袋
filter bag holder 过滤袋框架
Fishermen Tea Bag Holder Set 姜太公钓鱼茶包托
golf bag holder 高尔夫球袋车
Lacoon bag holder 时尚包包挂件
automatic golf bag holder 自动遥控高尔夫球袋车
Key holder bag 锁匙包
Bag Or Card Holder 背包或者卡夹
This model comes with 3 AAA batteries (that fit in the light bulb holder)and a storage bag that can also be used as a light dampener.
We design the flat jet mill by gas stream and the major appurtenance of disintegrator set such as air holder, distribution tank and cyclone separator, and select the compressor and bag filter.
Badge template, name bag holder with lanyard.