... balance of steam 蒸汽平衡 balance of system 系统平衡 balance of turbine island 汽轮机岛辅助设施 ...
...数据称,2020年的光伏发电系统成本将较现在下降约30%。太阳能电池板之外的支架、相关设备及布线等平衡系统(balance of system,BOS)的成本下降将起到重要作用。 在降低光伏发电系统成本方面,太阳能电池板的成本往往备受关注。
...资讯中心 4.4.1 控制器功能及分类[1,15,17,28,29] 控制器是光伏发电系统的核心部件之一,也是平衡系统(BOS,Balance of System)的主要组成部分。在小型光伏系统中,控制器也称为充放电控制器,它主要起防止蓄电池过充电和过放电的作用。
PV Balance of System Components 光伏系统配套器件
channel balance of system 系统通道平衡
Balance of System Components 系统配套组件
Wiring Balance of System 系统配线的平衡
Organizing Balance of System components 系统元件平衡的安排
balance system of ventilation 均衡制通风系统 ; 均衡制通风体系
balance-of-stores system 仓储盘存制
balance of stock system [工经] 成品盘存制
balance system of pumping unit 抽油机平衡方式
以上来源于: WordNet
The numerical experiment results show that the more personality and robustness can be provided, and the load balance of system can be improved.
Load balance strategies is used to improve the utilization of each node in the system, but it will lead to more system overhead if we pursue absolute balance of system load.
Earth's climate system is constantly trying to strike a balance between the cooling and warming effects of clouds.