...乙酸戊酯; 四氯化锡; 催化; 合成中图分类号: D643136 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1008—8350 (2006) 03—0106—0254%、反应时间[gap=3653]Key words: banana oil; T in tetrachloride; catalytic; synthesis1, XUEWanhua1本文责编 赵凤媛· 701· 2006 年5 月杨..
N a solution of cellulose nitrate in pentyl acetate or a similar solvent, which has a banana-like smell 香蕉油; 乙酸戊酯
I don't be deceived by her banana oil.
The printing worker is prohibited to use Banana Oil to wash hands, and no bare hand contact Banana Oil.
For example, banana paste with olive oil, or a towel soaked in a juice mix including alcohol and honey, can remove the wrinkles on your skin.