木马、蠕虫和病毒攻击 黑客检测 带宽滥用(bandwidth hogs)和策略违规 未经授权的应用或系统访问 VPN 偷袭 系统和用户影响 审计失败、罚款和处罚 木马、蠕虫和病毒攻击 恶意软件可能会对...
Twitter has placed certain restrictions on the use of its API to prohibit bandwidth hogs from jeopardizing the usefulness of the feature set.
Comcast, an American cable operator, has been criticised for cutting off intensive P2P-using "bandwidth hogs", even though it refuses to specify exactly what it regards as acceptable usage limits.
一个美国电缆经营公司Comcast,对限制大量使用P 2 P提出了批评,大量使用P 2 P被称作“独占带宽”,但即使如此,其也拒绝对可接受的使用限制的确切要求进行详细说明。
Wireless firms point out, rightly, that their bandwidth is less abundant than the fixed-line sort and especially vulnerable to data hogs who use too much capacity.