bank run 挤兑 ; [金融] 银行挤兑 ; 挤提 ; 银行挤提
bank-run model 银行挤兑模型
Bank Run Theory 银行挤兑论
run on a bank 银行挤兑 ; 银行挤提 ; 挤兑
bank run risk 挤兑风险
River Bank Run 街道地址
bank run gravel 岸涟砾
以上来源于: WordNet
They thought they had the system solved, but then they had a bank run last year.
In a modern bank run, the actors rushing for the exits are institutional lenders not individual depositors.
This was the first bank run in the U.K. Since 1866.
Unfortunately, what we've seen recently is a kind of a bank run on the asset-backed commercial paper.
Capital is the money that they have to pay out should there be a -its assets that they can quickly liquefy and pay out should there be a run on the bank.
If banks get in trouble and they can't pay out -if one bank gets in trouble and can't pay out on its deposits, then that can bring the whole system down because it can cause a panic among investors -among depositors and banks -and create a run on a bank.