330)通货用途民 间官 方交易媒介媒介货币(vehicle currency)报价货币(invoice currency)银行业务货币(banking currency)干预货币(intervention currency)钉住货币(pegging currency)准备货币(reserve currency)计帐单位价值储藏资料來源:McKinnon, R...
Currency Banking 钱币银行学
Currency and Banking 货币银行学
Currency & banking 货币银行学
western currency banking 西方货币银行学
central banking digital currency 欧元央行法定数字货币
committee on banking and currency 银行和货币委员会
currency and banking system 货币银行体系
twin currency and banking crises 共生性货币银行危机
International banks appoint people who have an excellent grasp over the international banking policies, currency exchange and international policies.
But this ignores Germany's major share of responsibility for the currency and banking crises, if not for the sovereign-debt crisis.
Horned herds are a status symbol, a way of storing wealth in a land without a banking system, and the main currency in which dowries are paid.