central banking institution 中央银行机构
banking institution management 金融机构管理
policy banking institution 政策性银行机构
non-banking institution 非银行金融机构
commercial banking institution 商业银行机构
banking institution for loans 金融机构贷款
central l banking institution 中央银行机构
Banking Institution of Basic Units 基层银行业金融机构
Your banking institution must ensure that the cheque is drawn on a Canadian bank and is cashable at no charge by our office.
Your banking institution, for instance, makes use of the phone system and has Access Management mechanisms for authorization and authentication purposes.
例如,您的银行机构利用电话系统且使用Access Management机制进行身份验证和授权。
This research project aims to establish the relation between the resilience of the management of the banking institution and the organizational performance.