...ency distribution):一种数据的表格汇总方法,表示在几个互不重叠组别中,每一组数据值的个数所占的百分数。 条形图(bar graph):一种图形方法,用来描述已被汇总成频数分布、相对频数分布或百分数频数分布的分类型数据。
...形的流程是一致的,首先要创建画布(Graph实例),然后再创建你希望展现的图形实例,比如折线图(line graph)或柱状图(bar graph),期间你可以调整刻度、标题、颜色等,最后合成后输出即完成了,只要了解了这些原理,使用jpgraph还是蛮简单的。
Percent bar graph 百分条形图 ; 百分条图 ; 百分直条图
Bar Graph Display 模拟棒 ; 棒图显示
Bar-Graph Display 条图显示器 ; 直方图显示
Stacked Bar Graph 叠加条状图表 ; 堆积条形图
bar graph schedule 横道图进度表
bar graph generator 彩条信号发生器
divided bar graph [统计] 分段条形图
Bar graph set 酒吧设图
Bar Graph Scale 棒图刻度
N-COUNT A bar graph is a graph that uses parallel rectangular shapes to represent changes in the size, value, or rate of something or to compare the amount of something relating to a number of different countries or groups. 条形图
They made a bar graph to display the results.
They made a bar graph to display the results.
A bar graph will show you the busy and quiet times during the week.
Does every apply to the bar graph, broken line graph, pie diagram?
So what this means is that this graph -this bar is significantly different from that one, this from that one, and this from that one, so they visually are different but they're also statistically different.