(4) ACTN:作用机制 (5) INTC:与药物之交互作用 (a) 用125 ppm 浓度4 小时暴露量在老鼠实验发现有加强巴比妥盐 (Barbiturates) 催眠的作用. 在500 ppm 下, 可减低运动功能.
barbiturate coma 巴比妥药物
sodium barbiturate [有化] 巴比士酸钠
Who by barbiturate 谁靠药物安睡
barbiturate pill 巴比妥酸盐丸剂
barbiturate abuse 巴比妥滥用
barbiturate dependence 巴比土酸盐成瘾
barbiturate intoxication 巴比妥酸盐中毒
poisoning by barbiturate 巴比妥酸盐中毒
N-COUNT A barbiturate is a drug which people take to make them calm or to help them to sleep. 巴比妥类催眠药
She was addicted to barbiturates.