它们包孕荣誉远波的米兰银行(Midland Bank),劳合银行(Lloyd's Bank),英格兰巴克莱银行(Barclays Bank in England),美国的国度都会银行(National City Bank),法国的里昂银行存款银行(Credit Lyonnais),和德国的达姆施塔特银行(Darmstädt...
That leaves a question as to whether Treasury officials expressed their concern about Barclays' high LIBOR rates in their conversations with the Bank of England.
The Bank of England's Financial Stability Review shows that Barclays' retail banking loans in Spain, Italy and bailed-out Portugal are equivalent to a bit more than its core equity capital - its buffer against losses.
As you know, I am particularly interested to hear what he will say about a secret conversation he held in the autumn of 2008 with Paul Tucker, deputy governor of the Bank of England - and whether he felt Mr Tucker was in anyway encouraging Barclays to understate its borrowing costs.