Bilingual terminology like annual fee (年费), barcode reader (条码阅读机), barcode scanner ( 条码扫瞄器 ), chainsaw consultant (给予该裁减那些员工的专业顾问), energy sources (能源), hyperdating...
件简介 英文名称:Barcode Reader 中文名称:条形码扫描 软件版本:v3.1 汉化作者:坏蛋 测试机型:5630xm 汉化说明:文本汉化,r01汉化 支持机型:理论支持所有S60V3V5与塞班3机型,但不保证兼容所有机
ScanLife Barcode Reader 条码摄像机 ; 条码摄
D Barcode Reader 二维码读取器
2D Barcode Reader 二维码读取器
BeeTagg Barcode Reader 条形码阅读器
DTK Barcode Reader SDK 条形码识别
Barcode reader interface 条码阅读器界面
Barcode Reader for iPhone Premium 条形码阅读器
CCD Barcode Reader 以读码机 ; 透过扫瞄器
Using image processing method, the new image barcode reader can not only read one dimensional barcodes, but also two dimensional barcodes.
This paper discusses DPM symbol readability criteria, verification methodologies, and barcode reader configurations that will yield optimal results.
The codes turn URLs and text into barcode-like images that can be scanned using a mobile phone or a QR code reader.