SI base unit 国际单位制基本单位 ; 国际标准基准单位 ; SI基本单位
conventional base unit 常用基本单元
base unit weight 基量 ; 基本单位重量
telephone base unit 电话机基座
time base unit 时基装置 ; 时基装置扫描装置 ; 时基发生器
base unit of measurement 计量基本单位 ; 基本测量单位
Base unit of measure 基本计量单位
base unit price 基本单位价格
set base unit 设置基本单元 ; 套基础单元
time-base unit 时间基础单位
It determines two very important factors: the guaranteed CPU cycles the LPAR will get at any point in time, and the base unit of measurement for utilization statistics.
The base unit of measure for determining our expected load was "page views per second," which measures how many pages the portal server can serve for each second during peak load.
The name is a reference to International Prototype kilogram, as a base unit of mass in the International System of Units.