base flow [水文] 基流 ; 底流 ; 底流基本水流 ; 基本径流
laminar base flow 层底流动
Learn Base Flow 获知基础流量
system base flow rate 系统基本流率
perennial base flow 常年基流
base-flow depletion curve 基流退水曲线
base flow WESTBANK 基本流量
以上来源于: WordNet
The region of upper Lanzhou is main runoff-producing area in Yellow river basin, and the base-flow plays an important role in the runoff.
The new event emitter primitive provides an easy to use, flexible way to generate a Common Base event (CBE) in a mediation flow.
新的事件发射器基元提供了一种易用的、灵活的方式,可以在中介流中生成Common Base Event (CBE)。
The air Multiplier technology replaces blades and grilles with loop amplifiers and draws air in at the base through a mixed flow impeller.