basic iron 碱性铁
basic iron sulfate 碱式硫酸铁
Basic Pig Iron 炼钢生铁 ; [材] 碱性生铁 ; 托马斯生铁
basic iron salt 碱式铁盐
basic iron-oxide 碱性氧化铁
basic iron-oxideiron oxide basic 碱性氧化铁
iron oxide basic 碱性氧化铁
basic Bessemer cast iron 碱性转炉铸铁
basic Bessemer pig iron 碱性转炉生铁
basic pig-iron 缠绕标准线
Much of Africa moved right into the Iron Age, taking the basic technology and adapting it to local conditions and resources.
In the mechanical manufacturing of cast iron plate is an indispensable basic tool.
The basic flow and kinds of Iron Ores Flotation Reagent has been summarized.