cooling bath 冷却浴 ; 冷却水浴 ; 冷水浴 ; [制冷] 冷浸液
bath water cooling 锡槽水冷却器
bath bottom cooling 锡槽底壳冷却
Johnson's Baby cooling Bath 强生婴儿清凉沐浴露
Cooling Circulating Water Bath 冷却循环恒温水槽
spray cooling bath 喷淋冷却槽
So since I'm kind of addicted, I've devised a cooling Epsom salt bath that is the perfect antidote to a hot, stressy summer day.
The cooling process of 0.70% carbon steel wires upon patenting in lead bath and CMC (Carboxyl Methyl Cellulose) aqueous solutions was measured respectively with the steel wire probes.
利用钢丝探头分别测量了含碳0.70%的钢丝在铅浴和CM C水溶液中的冷却过程。
The reaction can be carried out under the water bath condition for about 4 to 5 minutes or be carried out during the natural cooling process after the heating by the water bath for 3 to 5 minutes.
所述反应可在上述水浴条件下进行,持续约4 - 5分钟;也可在水浴加热后的自然降温过程中进行,持续约3 - 5分钟。