... bacterial cancer 细菌性癌症; 细菌性癌肿病 be diagnosed with cancer 被诊断出患了癌症; 被诊断为癌症 betel cancer 槟榔癌, 萎叶性颊癌 ...
... 1 2 . struggle against disease 同疾病做斗争 1 3 .be diagnosed with cancer 被诊断为癌症 1 4 .achieve his goal 达到目标 ...
be diagnosed with breast cancer 被诊断患有乳腺癌
be diagnosed with the cancer 被诊断患有癌症
be diagnosed with lymph cancer 被诊断患有淋巴癌
An estimated 1.4 million Americans will be diagnosed with cancer this year, according to the American cancer Society, and 560,000 will die of it.
A large, eight-year study in Europe shows that eating the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables made people only slightly less likely to be diagnosed with cancer.
That means that men "are less likely to be diagnosed with cancer that is not likely to kill them, so they are less likely to undergo aggressive treatment," Andriole said.